Dr. MacGregor and her team are passionate about providing access to patient centered contraceptive and reproductive health care.
Inserting intrauterine devices (IUD) and contraceptive implants (Nexplanon) and/or counseling patients about another contraceptive, including fertility awareness options. Patients are provided with a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere to create a positive experience. These services are available by referral.
To access, please:
To obtain a referral, visit your doctor, nurse practitioner, midwife, audiologist, chiropractor, podiatrist, dentist, optometrist, or physical therapist.
Have your provider review and complete the Reproductive Health Referral Package. It must be faxed to our office.
Once your referral is received, you will be contacted by secure email messaging (Medeo) and text message with booking instructions.
Please note that while our team is committed to facilitating a gender-affirming and inclusive experience, not all of the following resources are written in a gender-inclusive manner.
Fertility Awareness
Also known as fertility tracking, is a method used by individuals to understand their reproductive cycle and identify fertile and infertile periods. By tracking various biomarkers such as basal body temperature, cervical mucus, and menstrual cycles, individuals can predict ovulation and determine the most fertile times for conception or, conversely, when to avoid unprotected intercourse to prevent pregnancy.
Fertility awareness empowers individuals with knowledge about their own bodies and offers a natural, non-invasive approach to family planning that can be used both to achieve and avoid pregnancy. It requires diligence and consistency but provides a holistic understanding of reproductive health and can serve as a valuable tool for those seeking a deeper connection with their fertility.
This can be a useful tool for a person hoping to prevent or obtain pregnancy. For more information, consider Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler.
What contraceptive Option is right for you?
What Contraception is Right for You? - Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists of Canada
Intra Uterine Devices (IUD)
What is an IUD? - Planned Parenthood
IUD Fact Sheet - Options for Sexual Health BC
Everything You Need to Know about IUDs - Ariana Tobin
What to Expect During an IUD Insertion - Dawn Stacey PhD
Contraceptive Implants?
What is an Implant? - Planned Parenthood
Sexual Health Resources
Sex & U - Society of Obstetricians & Gynecologists of Canada
Please note that as of 2024, the Mirena IUD is now indicated for 8 years of use, compared to its previous 5-year indication. Some of the above resources will not include this update.
What to expect at your IUD Insertion